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Be The Change

Dear REALTOR® Community: There is no doubt that the brutal death of George Floyd in Minnesota is beyond heartbreaking - a tragedy of injustice, racism, and target profiling. Your Association Leadership will not stand back and be silent, hence this message.  For our Community, this event reveals what should also be on the table - raw conversations concerning basic human rights and fairness which historically led to transformative state and national fair housing acts which govern our practice. While our REALTOR® community follows a strict code of ethics to provide the highest standard of care to our clients and each other; the truth is that our industry struggled for near-a-generation to pave a path forward to provide equal housing and lending opportunities just to get to where we are now. We all have pride in how we interact with dignity within our broad community. Can we be better? We reflect - where did our current values come from and how do they relate to the misuse and abuse of perceived authority? Well, you should know, historically our industry has its own shameful past. As I compose this message, we should all reflect on where we came from as an industry and where we are now. Our Association has an amazing trove of historical documents dating back to the early 20th century. They are littered with written references and images of segregation, white-privilege, sexism, racism and flat-out discrimination - all previously accepted norms of behaviors in our industry and communities. These materials are not easy to read, but they are vivid reminders of how far we have evolved as an industry. We should be proud that we are better than our predecessors - that we have an evolved awareness of right versus wrong - that we self-monitor rogue behaviors in our community through a process of peer evaluation and accountability. These changes did not come from being silent. They came from those with courage to oppose, demonstrate and take risks. We urge you to take a moment and reflect on your privilege - whatever it is. Express empathy. Practice equality. Don’t prejudge. Show compassion and love. Celebrate diversity. Open a closed door. Know your history and make history. We urge you to read NAR and CAR’s recent messages.

Be The Change - ACT TODAY

Sign Now Sign the petition calling for all officers involved to be charged.

Email Now Send an automated email to the Minneapolis PD calling for all officers involved to be charged.

Donate Now Make a donation to the Black Lives Matter movement.

With respect,

Jeffrey Neidleman 2021 President-Elect Bridge Association of REALTORS®


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